Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What do you think of these names?

violet anja

(after my little friend violet)

daisy maya

(in memory of a little girl who died this year)

ailyah chessie

(chessie is a nickname for francesca)

Brezanae indigo

(brezzi for short)

holly marie

ivy bella

serafina mollie

lily charlotte

alexei toby

olivia phoenix

zoe scarlett

nikolas jake

thomas peirre

(pierre means peter)

zorya honey

(means honey star)

elodie zaphira

(zaphira said as zah-free-ah)

jonte rebecca

tinkerbelle kiely

(kiely said as ki-lee)

severus tairyon

(after two extremely brave people)

hannah angel

emiya sophie

twilight rosy

spiral melodie

also would your prefer

emillie sophie?

emillie lucy?

emiya lucy?

emiya sophie?

emillie poppy?

emiya poppy?

What do you think of these names?
Some of them are really pretty, feminine names... But with others, I wouldn%26#039;t want to be the little girl who has to learn how to spell her name.
Reply:I like Emillie Poppy. Also Holly Marie or Daisy Maya(would prefer Daisy Maye better.)
Reply:Hard to answer not knowing how they will go with the child%26#039;s last name. To me, that makes a difference. But I%26#039;d keep looking in the meantime.
Reply:I like Jonte Rebecca

Lily Charlotte

Violet Anja

Emily Sophia

Hanah (hah nah) Rose (my cousin)


Elijah Nathaniel

Spencer Ian

Nicholas Jacob
Reply:violet anja, I like it!
Reply:emillie poppy
Reply:Gee, you%26#039;re planning on a big family.

Zoe Scarlett is my favorite girl%26#039;s name on your list.

Violet Anja is fine. So are Hannah Angel, Holly Marie and Ivy Bella. Lily Charlotte is probably the most conventional name on your list. Olivia Phoenix is a nice mix of popular first name, surprising middle name. Serafina Mollie is interesting. Elodie Zaphira is okay.

Daisy is a nickname, not a formal name. She should be Margaret or Diana or *anything* besides Daisy on her birth certificate.

Ailyah is confusing - don%26#039;t know how to say it. And Francesca is gorgeous - why use Chessie instead of the full strength version?

Brezanae? Ugh. Sounds like a Cold War era Soviet operative.

Zorya Honey is just off - unless you%26#039;re a celebrity chef, I%26#039;d avoid using Honey in your child%26#039;s name.

Jonte Rebecca is pretty dreadful.

Tinkerbelle Kiely would be a horrible thing to do to a child.

Twilight Rosy sounds like a Cabbage Patch Kid%26#039;s name.

The elaborations on Emily - Emilie, Emiya and the hundred middle names - don%26#039;t change the fact that Emily/Emma is one of the most popular names in the US right now.

I get dizzy thinking of a child named Spiral Melodie.

As for the boys, Alexei will be mistaken for a girl. I love the name, but it just doesn%26#039;t work for a boy in this age of girls called Alex. (We use Alexy as a nickname for our son Alexander.)

Nikolas Jake and Thomas Pierre are fine.

As for Severus Tairyon, do you really intend to name a son after a Harry Potter character and a Fairy King? Holy sci fi overdose, Batman! To the real world, hurry!
Reply:I like Serafina, Lily, Zoe Scarlett, and Elodie.
Reply:Alot of these names, in my opinion, are not good names. But if i had to pick....These were my few favorite:

zoe scarlett

elodie zaphira
Reply:Aliyah Chessie-cute!
Reply:Stay away from Tinkerbelle, Chessie, Spiral %26amp; Twilight - if these are for childrens%26#039; names.

I like Lily, Olivia, Emillie Sophie and Holly Marie
Reply:i like olivia thats wat imma name my little gurl

olivia gayle ( if i have a gal)
Reply:violet anja - violet is cute, I%26#039;m not mad on anja though.

daisy maya - a nice name, and a good way of remembering this girl.

ailyah chessie - don%26#039;t like it sorry, I do like Francesca though.

Brezanae indigo - don%26#039;t like it sorry

holly marie - holly is nice, marie is a bit common as a middle name.

ivy bella - I love Ivy, but not Bella as a middle name. Bella Ivy might be better?

serafina mollie - I like Mollie

lily charlotte - prefer Charlotte as a first name.

alexei toby - cool, I like it.

olivia phoenix - lovely

zoe scarlett - lovely

nikolas jake - I have a bad association with nikolas.

thomas peirre - thomas is a little common for me. Pierre is ok.

zorya honey - cool meaning but I don%26#039;t like the name.

elodie zaphira - love Elodie!

jonte rebecca - well Rebecca is my name so you can guess what I think of it.

tinkerbelle kiely - sorry tinkerbelle is just a bit much for me.

severus tairyon - if it honours someone, its fine - maybe put another name infront of it and have two middle names?

hannah angel - hannah is ok, don%26#039;t like angel.

emiya sophie - ok, sophie is nice.

twilight rosy - too much for me sorry

spiral melodie - same, too literal meaning.

I prefer Emillie Lucy.

Nice names! I love Ivy best!
Reply:holly marie
Reply:Violet Anja-nice

Daisy Maya-cute and sweet

Ailyah Chessie-it%26#039;s ok

Brezenae Indigo-I like Indigo,how about Condoleezza?

Holly Marie-nice,I knew a girl named Holly who was real nice.

Ivy Bella-nice

Serafina Mollie-I don%26#039;t like Mollie,but that%26#039;s just because of a character that I didn%26#039;t like in a book.

Lily Charlotte-cute

Alexei Toby-it%26#039;s okay,I wouldn%26#039;t pick Alexei because the only Alexei I ever knew of died young.

Olivia Phoenix-don%26#039;t like Phoenix,just beacause I don%26#039;t really like names out of mythology normally,they usually have grisly connotations.

Zoe Scarlett-nice

Nicholas Jake-two of my favorites,great!

Thomas Pierre-I don%26#039;t like French

Zorya Honey-Honey Star,nice!

Elodie Zaphira-I%26#039;m sorry,it reminds me of perfume.

Jonte Rebecca-Don%26#039;t like Rebecca,always found it to be dull,and I%26#039;m not sure about Jonte.

Tinkerbelle Kiely-?What!? It%26#039;s almost cute,except that everyone will mispronounce Kiely and Tinkerbelle will remind them of Disney and Peter Pan.

Severus Tairyon-I%26#039;m glad that you%26#039;re trying to make a memorial for these two brave people,but please don%26#039;t do it on your kid!

Hannah Angel-Nice,even though I don%26#039;t think I know any Hannahs that are anything close to angels.

Emiya Sophie-Cute,I like Emiya.

Twilight Rosy-Sorry,but it sounds like a line from a poem.

Spiral Melodie-Same issue as above,here%26#039;s part of the (made-up) poem :

%26#039;the twilight rosy

that spiral melodie...%26#039;

see what I mean?

Emiya Sophie

world history

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