Saturday, July 25, 2009

Student council election ideas?

My name is lily and i'm in 7th grade running for 8th grade student council president.


I've been on student council for two years....i'm running against two boys, orland and joe.


Student council election ideas?
I am/was in the exact situation that you are in. First, I will say that usally the girls are already on your side, so try to leave them out of it. For the boys, do something that catches their attention - no girly pink sparkely stuff. Make something that they ACTUALLY want to look into. Don't act anoying by begging them to vote for you or they won't, trust me. Slowly weasel them into it. Also, be nice to them - but not the anoying nice where it looks like you like them. Also say stuff around them like, "Uh! I wish we could have a longer recess!" That stuff catches their attention. And I agree with above. Try to focus on one big (reasonable) thing that they really want to see happen and you can change. Do things like that. Best wishes! Good luck!
Reply:Be honest without putting anyone down.

Pick a simple topic that you can make a difference on ... hint: talk to your principal BEFORE you announce what you will do as president and make sure the school is behind you. Example: Maybe you want to have the last 2 hours on Friday as HOMEWORK BEFORE HOME - to allow students who need extra time to get homework done before the weekend.

Just find ONE thing that YOU can get done - by being diplomatic with the adults in the school - then announce that you can do this if you are elected president. :-)

((( Former Prez myself :-) ... good luck! ))


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