Friday, July 31, 2009

Do I Cut Off the Dead flower heads?

I bought white lilies, and i wasn't sure if i should cut the dead flower head of these type of flowers. How soon will flower grow back this year?

Do I Cut Off the Dead flower heads?
you get ONE bloom per year.... they will not bloom again this year.... but if you plant them outside in sunlight and good draining soil, then next year, you'll have more..... when all the flowers have wilted and you've removed them, plant the green stems and leaves carefully and let them turn brown and die off naturally... they'll feed the bulbs so that next year's flowers will be big and booful.....
Reply:Yes, the dead flower heads will still pull water/food away from the rest of the living plant so it is best to remove them. I am not sure on how soon they go back though.
Reply:cut the head before it sucks the life out of the rest of the plant!
Reply:Yes can cut the dead blooms off.Leave the plant to die back on its own.It will turn brown.Cut this all the way down to the dirt.Needs to rest for a bit.Don't have to water very much,just a little.When new shoots appear,then replant into a larger pot or outdoors if soil is warm.Water throughly and keep watering as needed.Out side in a garden they get between 3-5 feet tall,covered with blooms.I grow Easter lilies of many colors.They winter here in WI and come back each year.

genealogy mormon

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